If anyone is actually reading/receiving notifications my Diary of a Binge reader entries I'm so sorry about spams. I mostly read on my phone and my document where I keep my notes has reached 12 pages. Most of this is because of how many I've read through so far, as well as the (currently) 1,167 stories on my private list, not counting the ones I'd read before I even started to keep my notes that I'm going to have to go back through as well. I got distracted there sorry ><, I'm going to be trying to compress some of the notifications that will be going out as much as possible.
(ie) One Shots will be placed in the same post as much as possible, however they will be listed individually on the respected posts of all stories from their category. <- this is excluding pieces that are all one-shots, those will get their own posting because it helps me keep organized.
How ever, anything with multiple parts per piece will keep their individual posts.
I apologize in advance for any chaos that might come about. My ADHD kicks my ass sometimes and I just have to ride it out best I can.
Thank you to anyone who actually reads that mess of my thoughts.