
I'm gonna make a book someday just for me to rant about Danganronpa because sEriously Makoto, every damn character's face is made off the same base- Sayaka's smile is exactly the same as Hina's and Kyoko's, there is no difference stfu


I'm gonna make a book someday just for me to rant about Danganronpa because sEriously Makoto, every damn character's face is made off the same base- Sayaka's smile is exactly the same as Hina's and Kyoko's, there is no difference stfu


Why are there so many stories with Colm O'Driscoll killing everything the reader cares about? Why does Colm have to be the only bad guy you put in uour story? Like really? What about the Murfee Brood? The Leymone Raiders? The Pinkertons? Hell the KKK's in the game! You can think of a better enemy than Colm O'Driscoll. At the very least make it AN O'Driscoll. Sadie's husband was killed by a dude called Fat Tommy for hell's sake! We can be more creative than Colm O'Driscoll!


@Skylight2424 Okay- thank you. But I'm not a follow back account, if that's why you're saying that.