"Hey Abercombie!" 



I'm Sin

Well Cindy...but call me Sin

Sara Lance is my best friend

Roy Harper is the one and only, Abercombie

Sadly i haven't seen them in a while..

Yeah but that's life....

I'm no hero....just a normal girl who has a few deadly assassins and Vigilantes as friends, so hurting me is a pretty bad plan....

Not many people know but i can keep a certain Vigilatnte's butt....not saying which one but i can... heheheh....thanks sara for teaching me how to fight

I'm bisexual thank you very much!

Single: forever alone
Taken: can't you read
Crush: they never like me back so why bother.


Sarah Lance: @whxtecanary

/just ask to be added
  • Hanging with Roy or thinking about life the universe and everyhing
  • Дата регистрацииJune 16, 2016

Последнее сообщение
Hey-Abercombie Hey-Abercombie Sep 15, 2017 08:48PM
(and the Sin is online!! Woot!! Anyone up for a RP?!)
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