
Hey guys! I have a ton of short stories and poems that are just kinda sitting here collecting dust, do y'all even want to see that??


Alright, Guys, it's crunch time for me. I'm a senior in a college prep high school and they're pushing us harder this last month then they have been. I also have to work and finish up my housing and registration stuff for college so I've been REALLY busy. I hope you all understand and hopefully, I'll be back to slow updates. After I graduate on May 25th, I'll be able to pound out updates like crazy since I won't have school. Thanks again for your understanding and patience with me. Have a great day! :D


Aight everyone so here's what's up: I can't post to 2 books every day, but I like both of the books. I decided that it was easier to make an update schedule because it'll hold me to an expectation and it'll give you guys consistency. I just wanted to let all my followers know this so yeah....I guess that's it lol
          Monday--The War Among Us
          Tuesday--Passing Through
          Wednesday--The War Among Us
          Thursday--Passing through
          Friday--The War Among Us
          Saturday--Passing Through