
Senior me: "WE DID IT..! Bingo, bingo?.."
          	3 year old me: YIPPE! I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!, take her to the moon for me okay..?" 
          	Senior: wait..your not coming with me..?"
          	3yr me: nah..I gotta stay with the rest of your years..to keep them company.."
          	Senior: oh..yeah..all my childhoods..take care of them okay?"
          	3yr: will do, enjoy your new adventure."
          	Senior: I will..take care..of them for me, and all of my little creatures okay??"
          	3yr: of course."


Senior me: "WE DID IT..! Bingo, bingo?.."
          3 year old me: YIPPE! I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!, take her to the moon for me okay..?" 
          Senior: wait..your not coming with me..?"
          3yr me: nah..I gotta stay with the rest of your years..to keep them company.."
          Senior: oh..yeah..all my childhoods..take care of them okay?"
          3yr: will do, enjoy your new adventure."
          Senior: I will..take care..of them for me, and all of my little creatures okay??"
          3yr: of course."


this message may be offensive
Apologies, but this protesting shit is getting old. It's getting to the point where people who are doing nothing wrong can't enjoy their day because it's being surrounded by protestors, for fuck sake. THEY WERE TRYING TO TEAR DOWN A AMERICAN FLAG AND REPLACE IT. It makes me ENRAGED. This is not their country. They wouldn't like it if we tore down their flag and put ours up. People who are Jewish are being ridiculed and seen as nazis. Now that's quite hypothetical to be calling it that, did they make concentration camps? No, are they being brutally tortured in ways the Germans did? No. STOP CALLING THEM NAZIS it seems every war that happens its "nazis." no its just war. It happens. Now, this protest is almost like the George floyd situation, which was annoying as a shot bc people destroyed everything, thinking it did something. I'm tired of this, it's like one war and the next one the other are for gotten. How funny. Don't see much of Ukraine anymore. We shouldn't even be apart of this shit anyways. Not our country.


this message may be offensive
            W America sucks tear dat flag down protestors fuck the government fuck the president fuck this country :3


Hey, it's been..a while. I have a lot to confess.
          I've gone offline for a long time because I'm starting to accept life, and how it is always moving can't stop it with me now being a junior in highschool joining this platform in freshman year just..shocks me! So much time has gone by without being able to breathe. Over the journey of growing up and becoming a young adult is terrifying to me. Another issue is that my mental problems have come back and am now in the process of getting help. Truthfully, it was so hard for me to accept that I needed help. I'm in the process of trying to build a life with my boyfriend, and moved on from CH..sad as it is but I've let go of that part as I no longer need that comfort of mine anymore..it's like how I've let go of creepy pastas back in 6th grade that no longer relying on it for comfort and finding new things to help me mature in each different way. To my friends I've met on here, this isn't goodbye. But just me saying my sins and why's for things.
          Guten nacht.


GOD I hate when I'm looking through messages and then the person appears I instantly click out of snap so fast lmao☠️

