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Apologies, but this protesting shit is getting old. It's getting to the point where people who are doing nothing wrong can't enjoy their day because it's being surrounded by protestors, for fuck sake. THEY WERE TRYING TO TEAR DOWN A AMERICAN FLAG AND REPLACE IT. It makes me ENRAGED. This is not their country. They wouldn't like it if we tore down their flag and put ours up. People who are Jewish are being ridiculed and seen as nazis. Now that's quite hypothetical to be calling it that, did they make concentration camps? No, are they being brutally tortured in ways the Germans did? No. STOP CALLING THEM NAZIS it seems every war that happens its "nazis." no its just war. It happens. Now, this protest is almost like the George floyd situation, which was annoying as a shot bc people destroyed everything, thinking it did something. I'm tired of this, it's like one war and the next one the other are for gotten. How funny. Don't see much of Ukraine anymore. We shouldn't even be apart of this shit anyways. Not our country.