
It's finally here! The 3rd part of Beyblade Burst: Battles Against The World is here! After months of writing I was finally able to publish! So sorry about the wait but it's finally here. It took some time to write everything out due to different dramas that were happening with me but everything since to be fine now. Heck, I might be able to start publishing more consistently due to it (but no promises. I'm going to start listing off facts and information about characters, Beys, and etc now. Not to mention but Part 4 is already in the works. And it will be a lot more action packed than Part 3 too, so prepare to be amazed! So look forward to everything my readers, and I'll see you soon!


It's finally here! The 3rd part of Beyblade Burst: Battles Against The World is here! After months of writing I was finally able to publish! So sorry about the wait but it's finally here. It took some time to write everything out due to different dramas that were happening with me but everything since to be fine now. Heck, I might be able to start publishing more consistently due to it (but no promises. I'm going to start listing off facts and information about characters, Beys, and etc now. Not to mention but Part 4 is already in the works. And it will be a lot more action packed than Part 3 too, so prepare to be amazed! So look forward to everything my readers, and I'll see you soon!


Hello everyone, HeyStarkEagle here! So I wanted to give an update about that my current story.  So the first thing I need to go over is the schedule. Originally I wanted it to be every week but due to inconsistency with writing, stuff on my end, and school, I can just about upload a chapter ever month if that’s okay. I’ll still make it to where I’ll update whenever though so that’s a plus! Anyway the next part is being worked on and will be published soon. I hope you all enjoy it and I’ll talk to you all later! Good bye for now!