
Hello again everyone!
          	So a lot has happened this past week. I had a small car accident but I’m fine! There was no injuries just a bit of shock so I had to take a small break. Now I was on track to update Compos Mentis this week but then there was a family emergency so that put me off track. So there is going to be another week delay. Please forgive me!‍♀️‍♀️ I’m so sorry to everyone who have been eagerly awaiting the next update. Especially since we were about to head into Enies Lobby. 
          	However, I will say that I do have started on Enies Lobby and will get the next updates next week! So please be patient and thank you all for understanding!


Hello again everyone!
          So a lot has happened this past week. I had a small car accident but I’m fine! There was no injuries just a bit of shock so I had to take a small break. Now I was on track to update Compos Mentis this week but then there was a family emergency so that put me off track. So there is going to be another week delay. Please forgive me!‍♀️‍♀️ I’m so sorry to everyone who have been eagerly awaiting the next update. Especially since we were about to head into Enies Lobby. 
          However, I will say that I do have started on Enies Lobby and will get the next updates next week! So please be patient and thank you all for understanding!


Hello everyone!
          Sorry that I haven't been updating lately but lately things have come up in my personal life that I haven't been able to focus on. However, now I'm ready to start writing once more!
          First a couple of things:
               •     Compos Mentis is currently on Water 7 where many things will start to transpire for our lovely protagonists. First I'm going to focus on getting that finished before announcing any dates but stay tuned during this month for more updates!
               •     I'm also going to focus on other projects such as two original stories that I've been wanting to write for a while now. I'm not going to reveal much but it's gonna be a sci-fi dystopian story and a historical fiction.
               •     I'm also going to be writing some more short stories that may become full length novels or novellas depending on popularity and inspiration.
          I would also like to give a big thank you for my new and returning followers and readers for 1K votes on Compos Mentis! It means so much to me that you have all enjoyed and loved my little project so much. Thank you for all the comments you all made which had me laugh and smile!
          So that's it for all the announcements and I will make sure to keep you all updated in the coming weeks!


Hope everything is okay and I’m glade your back


Hi just want to say that i love your story I'm just reading it and oh my god i really enjoy it. "Compos mentis" is by far my favorite the oc just really fit perfectly in the story. i just want to give an appreciation to your work ☺️ thank you so much. 


Does the mc have a love interest!?


Thank you so much for the kind words and for both voting and for the follow. It means so much to me that you’ve enjoyed my story and I hope to hear more from you!!! ❤️❤️


Hey guys so I just posted a story that I had in my drafts for a very long time. Please check it out and tell me what you think. It’s something a lot more different than what I would usually write but hopefully you will enjoy it.