
Hey, y'all!! I am planning on writing a book (a novel-length one) and need a beta/editor, 'cuz I definitely am not the best at writing. If you volunteer, you will have to fulfill a few requirements-
          	You have to be ok with LGBTQ+ content. My story is gonna be girl-into-girl so you have to be tolerant of that.
          	You have to check your DMs at least once in two weeks.
          	You have to be tolerant of kiss/make out scenes. Nothing more than that, I swear!!
          	Even if you are will be just a reader to my story, I welcome your suggestions!!!
          	Also, it will be great if anyone can give me ways to publicize my story!!


@Heyyo12389 Ofcourse! I would love to!


@mitali_bhaskar Honestly, you can. 'Cuz I am still working on the draft of the summary, lol. So, would you really like to be my editor? I mean, when you get time.


@Heyyo12389 I wanna! 
          	  But my final exams are on next month. 
          	  Maybe I can help still.


Hey, y'all!! I am planning on writing a book (a novel-length one) and need a beta/editor, 'cuz I definitely am not the best at writing. If you volunteer, you will have to fulfill a few requirements-
          You have to be ok with LGBTQ+ content. My story is gonna be girl-into-girl so you have to be tolerant of that.
          You have to check your DMs at least once in two weeks.
          You have to be tolerant of kiss/make out scenes. Nothing more than that, I swear!!
          Even if you are will be just a reader to my story, I welcome your suggestions!!!
          Also, it will be great if anyone can give me ways to publicize my story!!


@Heyyo12389 Ofcourse! I would love to!


@mitali_bhaskar Honestly, you can. 'Cuz I am still working on the draft of the summary, lol. So, would you really like to be my editor? I mean, when you get time.


@Heyyo12389 I wanna! 
            But my final exams are on next month. 
            Maybe I can help still.