
I absolutely love going through my old messages on here and talking about how many views and votes that I was getting at that time. 2 years ago I was so excited about 140 views, and I love that I appreciated that so much at the time. looking back and seeing how excited I was over a couple hundred views and now looking at my story seeing that I have over 40,000 is crazy. thank you all so much for the love, I'm trying to update as much as I possibly can with everything that I have going on. I'm going to be starting color guard soon, so that will be taking up a lot of my time. hopefully over the summer I'll be able to write a bunch of drafts so that I have enough to post during my next school year. color guard really gets heavy first semester of next year with just band camp this summer. I'm very excited. thank you all so much for the love and I will continue to work on this story as much as I possibly can. I love you all so much, again thank you.


I absolutely love going through my old messages on here and talking about how many views and votes that I was getting at that time. 2 years ago I was so excited about 140 views, and I love that I appreciated that so much at the time. looking back and seeing how excited I was over a couple hundred views and now looking at my story seeing that I have over 40,000 is crazy. thank you all so much for the love, I'm trying to update as much as I possibly can with everything that I have going on. I'm going to be starting color guard soon, so that will be taking up a lot of my time. hopefully over the summer I'll be able to write a bunch of drafts so that I have enough to post during my next school year. color guard really gets heavy first semester of next year with just band camp this summer. I'm very excited. thank you all so much for the love and I will continue to work on this story as much as I possibly can. I love you all so much, again thank you.


Hey! Did you remove your Danny phantom exe x reader? Was interested in reading the new update but it won't load?^^"


@Soji_The_Furry thank you so much for bringing this to my attention, i dont know how but i made the entire story a draft by accident. you will be able to read the update soon, again thank you.


 Thank you guys so much for 339 views, I love you all so very much, I also got 51 votes on the same story! It's so crazy and fun to see my story grow throughout the time that I've been writing it. Now I know that 339 views may not sound that big to a lot of people, but this is my first fanfiction that I've ever actually posted and taken seriously. I have a whole schedule planned out for this fanfiction, which I have never done in my entire life before. It's very very special to me, and I thank all of you so much for reading. It genuinely means the world to me and I will continue writing for you guys all the time that I can. I made two friends while writing this fanfiction, their usernames are @MiraculousStories3 and @ash_galaxy17 please go check their stuff out :)) I talk to the first @ as much as I possibly can but, me and the second @ don't talk as much. Now that does not mean, in any way shape or form, that I don't support them just as much as I support the first. I read their stories as much as I possibly can, whenever there are updates on their stories, I read them, I try to give feedback when it is needed, I vote, I genuinely support them as much as I can, and I do the same with the first @. I like to treat all of my friends the exact same, so that nobody thinks that I have a "favorite" friend. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that has been reading my FanFiction. I truly do appreciate you. Love you! Please drink lots of water and eat plenty of food, it's very important! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/night! <33 :))


@MiraculousStories3 thank you!! You're the reason I'm here ;))


Hi! So I've decided that I'm going to start posting strictly on the weekends. The only reason that I'm saying this is because, I'm extremely tired when I come home from school, so when I get home I immediately take a nap. I take a nap for about an hour or two and then, when I wake up, I have to do my chores, go through my book bag to make sure that everything is there for tomorrow, and then I have to shower, then I eat dinner, and then I go to bed. There really isn't much time in the day for me to fit in any writing or posting. I apologize but, School and my grades are my top priority. If the writing is getting in the way of my school, or it's getting in the way of how much sleep I get, I will have to post on the weekends. And right now, that's how I see it. Yesterday was my first day of school so, we didn't do much of anything, but when I got home I was still extremely tired. Today when I got home I was very tired as well, we did do a little bit of work today but, if I'm tired from just the first two days of school, I can't imagine what the rest of the school year is going to be like. Plus when I get further on into the school year, I will start getting homework. If it's already hard for me to fit in any writing at all in just the first two days of school, I can tell that it isn't going to be any easier for the rest of the year. So from now on, I will be writing on Fridays, maybe posting on the same day, posting on Saturday, and maybe posting on Sunday. If I can I might throw in a little surprise post every week, but if I am unable to do that please do not get mad at me. Love you! Please please please drink lots of water and eat plenty of food, it's very important for your mental and physical health. Have a wonderful day! <33 :))


Hi, so my schedule might actually be changing soon. I will be going to school in 2 days oh, and I'm going into eighth grade therefore I will have a lot of paperwork and homework that I need to do. So I'm very sorry that you will not be getting your normal posting schedule. Next summer I will definitely go back to my normal schedule, if I'm still writing on here. That's all I wanted to say, thank you for your time. Love you! Please drink lots of water and eat plenty of food, it's important! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day or night, whenever you're reading this. There will probably be a new part of my Danny Phantom. Exe fanfiction pretty soon. <3 :)