Hi! So I've decided that I'm going to start posting strictly on the weekends. The only reason that I'm saying this is because, I'm extremely tired when I come home from school, so when I get home I immediately take a nap. I take a nap for about an hour or two and then, when I wake up, I have to do my chores, go through my book bag to make sure that everything is there for tomorrow, and then I have to shower, then I eat dinner, and then I go to bed. There really isn't much time in the day for me to fit in any writing or posting. I apologize but, School and my grades are my top priority. If the writing is getting in the way of my school, or it's getting in the way of how much sleep I get, I will have to post on the weekends. And right now, that's how I see it. Yesterday was my first day of school so, we didn't do much of anything, but when I got home I was still extremely tired. Today when I got home I was very tired as well, we did do a little bit of work today but, if I'm tired from just the first two days of school, I can't imagine what the rest of the school year is going to be like. Plus when I get further on into the school year, I will start getting homework. If it's already hard for me to fit in any writing at all in just the first two days of school, I can tell that it isn't going to be any easier for the rest of the year. So from now on, I will be writing on Fridays, maybe posting on the same day, posting on Saturday, and maybe posting on Sunday. If I can I might throw in a little surprise post every week, but if I am unable to do that please do not get mad at me. Love you! Please please please drink lots of water and eat plenty of food, it's very important for your mental and physical health. Have a wonderful day! <33 :))