Hey Trina, it's been a long time isn't it? I know I am showing up randomly Outta nowhere hehe I hope you're doing amazing, your school's good to you isn't it? I used to wonder about you, a lot but because of so much work, assignments, training and classes we were fed up, exhausted, tired and what all. We hardly get any breaks and when we do, all we do is sleep. Sleep is the coping mechanism for us, the more we sleep the more relaxed we can feel Time is going by slowly for us but it's going to end someday and I know we'll make it very successfully out of here. Anyways enough of my ranting, I wanted to talk about Emir He's not well. He's gotten so harsh and just not.. the same as we know him, the academy has been rough on him. And he's working hard, maybe a little too hard, he says he doesn't care about anyone or anything any more because he wants to focus on his career and family living in Boston. I don't believe him. But lately, it's starting to show. Our rooms have been separated now and I hardly see him but when I do, I wish I did not. He won't even look anyone in the eye, all he wants to do is train, train and train. He doesn't want to spend his spare time with anyone.. or with me. He says he would rather practise than 'waste' his time

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@Hezlin_1 whenever you see this, I want you to talk with him, because frankly saara and emir suck at communication, I want you to try and talk to him. Make him understand that he can't always be a grown ass cry baby and become hulk out of no where. Tell him I call him hulk because he's strong, not because he's dumb. I mean he is that too, but you get it. Tell him to put his big boy pants on and suck it up, because it's the truth, saara had a baby, she's married, she's happy so instead of whining about it, try and be happy for her. You can tell him I said this if you want, but you have to tell him this

@Hezlin_1 make a scene, fight, scream at him, I don't care, but bring him back to his mind. Even though emir acts like this, I guarantee you, he will regret it all one day, because sometimes he uses his brain instead of his heart. Tell him he's acting like a baby who is not getting what he wants, poke his head and ask him 'is there anything in there?' and then finally kick his butt because he is being an ass not only to you but to me. Because I swear to fricking god, if I ever, ever everrrrrr meet him, I will butcher him, I will pluck his fingers and feet it to him

@Hezlin_1 I don't blame emir. And it hurts me alot thinking about them because it reminds me of us...Saara has moved on, and I want emir to move on too, I want him to find the love of his life, because saara was not it. They were made for each other for that moment, but for life? it was never meant for them..At one point even I refused to look at it like that, I know that we would never be same again if Saara and Emir were not a thing, it seemed impossible to think about. I miss both of them alot, these days I have to pause in between my work because I think of them alot and I wish I could go back and do something, it makes me feel so helpless. Hezlin, when I talked to you, I really really thought you would be the one that was made for him, but I don't want to set expectation because I did that once and it hurt alot in the end. I'm not asking you to fix him, I really don't want you to because there is nothing wrong with Emir. I would slap him, I would try to put some sense in the hallow head of his, I want him to see that his life has only began and he can't do this to himself. He maybe will never understand this but we will always love him, even when I've tried to hate him, I couldn't. I don't want him to turn into someone like that just because saara finally became happy. You're the only one who is at reach with him, I can't do anything from here