The song that goes through my head whenever i look at her:
She looks just like a dream
The prettiest girl I've ever seen
From the cover of a magazine
something about you
-by eyedress
The song that goes through my head whenever i look at her:
She looks just like a dream
The prettiest girl I've ever seen
From the cover of a magazine
something about you
-by eyedress
@TheseFallenRainbows i was also kidding, since i don't know were you live, and it would propely cost more to send it to you than to just buy it at the store even if i knew were you live
I defently don't have a virus. It was just this page that was sending me "Your pc is getting invaded by virius, click here to fix it" And there's no way in hell i'm clicking that. but i baseclly just turned off my notificasions from that page, and none of these got send to my email, it was just from some randome page.
(also it's 4am, so proplary 90% of these words are miss speled)
Hey, so my chroomebook says it has a virus, i don't thik it has, but if inever respond to you guys, it's becuse i have a virus and my chroombook is shuting down. love you all, and as i said it's properly nothing <3
I WANNA KISS HER IN THE RAIN!! *cries in singel*
"Come and take a walk on the wild side
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane, so (louder)
Choose your last words, this is the last time
'Cause you and I, we were born to die"
-Born to die, by Lana Del Rey