
Last time for today. Every 10 minutes a kid in Yemen is dying. Lets help them, sign the petition it takes 2 minutes. Its not much but its something. 


@ Hi_im_Kaii  thank you :) 


"Nonbinary folks don't owe you androgony, trans men don't owe you masculinity, trans women don't owe you femininity. Gender expectations are arbitrary and trans and nonbinary people don't have to prove their gender to deserve respect"   - something i saw on Instagram. Happy Pride yall. Love you 


The saddest thing of all is that this right here is not the first case, nor the last. We just heard about that one. Police cruelty is something almost regular at this point. There's tens and thousands of people that are being unfairly judged, made assumptions about, losing their jobs just because of skin color. No one, NO ONE should be judged or treated even slightly (and this right here is not slightly) different because of skin color, sexuality, gender, religion,  anything at all.