Al-Nafs Al-Mutmaina...
We think this is our real home when this is just a place of test, toil, illusion, competition and distractions. When in reality we are all heading back to our real home, to a higher level of life, we are going to leave behind our bodies and return back to Allah where it all started.
Our bodies were created from soil and they are returned back to it, whereas our souls were made to love Allah alone and with death they begin that journey back home.
In this world as you take care of the body make sure you also focus on taking care of your soul by keeping it close to Allah and by keep it busy in the obedience of Allah.
[To the righteous it will be said], "O reassured soul,
Return to your Lord, well-pleased and pleasing [to Him],
And enter among My [righteous] servants
And enter My Paradise."
{Surah Al Fajr 89: Verses 27-30}
May Allah help us live our lives preparing for the inevitable and grant us all husnal khatima - Allahumma ameen!