So log onto wattpad for the first time in forever to see different bot accounts commenting spam links on my stories..... How lovely. Just as a reminder please do not click on these and report if you can because the comments don't seem to be deleting
So log onto wattpad for the first time in forever to see different bot accounts commenting spam links on my stories..... How lovely. Just as a reminder please do not click on these and report if you can because the comments don't seem to be deleting
@theshydancer haven't spoken to them in ages sadly, I'm assuming it's just that life got in the way and they're not active much/at all on wattpad anymore
I would LOVE a conversation between Ashton and Isabelle or Isabelle and Juliet or even Ashton and Juliet! It would bring more joy to my haert then what your book already gives me!
@Jujucasta I really dont have time for much these days since i've started uni now so no I dont think i will. But if i did what kind of stories would you want?