My Sangwoo X Reader has made it to 500K reads!
Thank you so much everyone for your support! I am still planning on the rewrite for this story sometime eventually! Life’s been super busy recently I hope you understand! :)
My Sangwoo X Reader has made it to 500K reads!
Thank you so much everyone for your support! I am still planning on the rewrite for this story sometime eventually! Life’s been super busy recently I hope you understand! :)
I think I’m going to start a rewritten version of my Sangwoo X Reader. I wrote the original freshman year and it’s the first thing I ever wrote and it’s honestly so embarrassing how popular it got lmao. I want to make it better. Something that deserves all the reads and likes the original got.
Stay tuned!
I wAnT tO bE tHe VeRy bEsT,
LiKe nO oNe eVEr wAS
tO CaTCh thEm iS mY rEaL teST
TO trAiN ThEm iS mY cAuSe!
(I wILL tRaVeL AcRosS tHe lANd,
SEarChiNg fAr anD wiDe.
eaCh PoKeMoN tO unDeRsTaNd
tHE poWeR thAt's inSidE!)
gOTta cAtCh eM' aLL~!
IT's yOu aNd ME,
I kNoW it'S mY DeStInY!