
Hello people, it's Kala again. Thanks for all the reads, comments, follows, etc. My best friend is writing a book on her page called Blind. It's really good and if you could just take a minute to check it out, I would love all of you forever. Her account is @KillerMuffins and she's a really good author. I think you'll like her book if you read it. She just put it up about two minutes ago and she's working on the next chapter now. So go check it out!
          ~Kala, less than three


Okay people, its Kala. I'm just saying that I completely forgot my password and the e-mail I entered for this, so I have to use this account. I feel awful for this happening, but if you want to follow me and get a follow back, follow the account I'm on right now so I can follow back. I'm sorry to tell you, but that means I have to completely begin those books again. I'll just pick up where I left off. I'm so sorry about this, but I though I would remember my password and email. Thank you!! Maybe I can find out how to get my password and email so I can log back onto this account.