Hello World! 

I'm a first time author who's writing because, well, I feel like it! I hope you enjoy my fanfictions!

Stuff about me which you really don't need to know but I'm telling you anyway:

1. I am an internetaholic! Reading fanfiction, watching YouTube and trolling the internet are part of my daily routine
2. I am a die-hard Danosaur and Phillion
3. One of my favourite bands is Skyway Avenue (they are amazing!)
4. I am a bookworm, and proud of it!
5. I love to cook
6. My favourite food-related words are potato, corn, cheese, banana and truffle. These will appear regularly throughout my works
7. There is no number 7
8. Yellow is my all time favourite colour, however when I wear it I look like a walking daisy
9. I have no idea what I should do with my life
10. I write for fun and honestly don't expect to get more that 3 reads

That's all I really have to say on that topic, so, I bid you a due :D
  • The Moon of Ood
  • JoinedJune 27, 2013


1 Reading List