
I've decided to take down 'The Troubled Revert' for good. I've been trying to continue it but I just can't. I don't think I can do justice to it and I think we ended things fine in The Hooded Hijabi so there's no *need* to forcefully continue it. Right?? 


assalamu alaikum. im kind of late but i just finished reading your book 'the hooded hijabi' and i just wanted to say mashallah. your writing style is beautiful and i cried my heart out. it also reminded me of some things ive been going through and it inspired and reminded me to return back to Him(S.W.T). jazakallahu khair also i going to read your other book now and im excited to say the least! 


So are we expecting any new books from you before 2019 bids farewell? Hope you're doing great! 


Alright then, try something different. Or just give it some time, it'll all make sense, iA. 
            Oh and don't forget to head over to Youtube for some writing advice and writing emergencies! 


I wish I could write but I can't..I give it a shot and then I give up. :/