Ok Y'all I'm just gonna be straight up honest and say all my teachers from last year sucked.Especially, Mrs.Schwenk (I'm dropping names cause I don't even care this point) So I had a very toxic friendship with this one girl *Cough* Kerah *Cough* and I actually opened up to my teacher about what was going on and told her everything that was going on and this women still forces me to work with her talk and communicate with her at school and I wasn't even her friend anymore I just stopped talking to her didn't wanna keep in contact PERIODD.And I even asked for my schedule to get changed so I could have different classes because it was more than one person that I had conflict with at that point.But the person who is in charge of schedule change told me"Oh I'm sorry we can't do that,It's close to the end of the school year,You'll just have to suck it up" .Knowing good and damn well we had four and a half months of school left.So when I go to pick up my schedule for this year I'm gonna sure that I don't have any classes with those hoes.