
Hey! First things first thank you so much or reading my book! "I don't know"
          I just needed to ask some people who had read my book a question... someone either didn't know in real life...
          If you don't want to answer please just let me know that's completely fine but I would appreciate it if you would...
          What do you think of my book?
          This is an honest thing... I just feel I need some feedback from someone I don't know in real life :D thank you so much for reading and Chapter 25 is out... just so you know!


@Hima241 hey thanks so much for the feedback! To answer your question however is that my book is a Young Adult Fiction… it does not have like a main plot! The whole plot was well the James’ getting over the death of Tom. 
            Maybe in one of my future books I will have less vague of a plot but this was the plot for this book


@LuckytheHufflepuff  your book is well written and I didn't see any grammar mistakes or anything but I don't see the plot , is the story a tale of Anthony becoming responsible for his siblings/children and so on or building his career as a journalist or is it a romance book ?
            Anyway I love your writing but I don't see where the book is going (excuse my English it's my 4th language hhhh) 