
Selena Gomez is engaged!!!!! I’m so happy for her


Selena Gomez is engaged!!!!! I’m so happy for her


And I also did it because I didn't want to leave Remus alone, because I no longer trust you and even less Sirius, after the incident with Snape involving Remus because of Sirius.


If you have any questions, send me a message.


Okey and thank you, 1I don't know if you know it but I have also sent short sentences to correct sentences, because I realized that I had forgotten to put that or that some sentences didn't make sense, you understand what I'm talking about.


@ANIBLU24_96 I want to add more to the reaction and fic of what they react to and below is my email address 


And, before I forget, the other reason was that, like Remus, I thought that you and your dear "brother" would realize what you do to all those people and the lack of compassion with which you treat them unfairly.
          I thought that, in time, both Sirius and you would grow up and stop behaving as you should have done long ago, but then I realized that I was very wrong.
          By the way, James, when it happened at the lake, where you and Sirius started to tease Snape, to the point of sexually humiliating him in front of many people, I started to open my eyes and wonder some things about you and Sirius, but what made me explode was the boxing willow; you don't know how horrified and scared I was to witness such cruelty directed at Snape and, especially, Remus by Sirius.
          So I decided to distance myself from you and Sirius without both of you noticing. The only reason I'm still in the Marauders after everything that happened is because of Remus, as he is my friend and the only person who really cares about me, unlike you and Sirius.


And the only person who really cares about me, unlike you two.


And from there is where I started to open my eyes and wonder some things about Sirius and about you.


And when it happened in the lake, it doesn't sound any better and is not understood.
            Then it would be like this:
            'By the way James, when the lake incident happened....


In conclusion, I too would have been in the same situation as those victims. At first I thought that Sirius, you and I were friends, but then I realized that we were not, since for you I was an extra, or rather, a real nuisance in the group.
          That unfortunately, both Sirius and you were forced to reluctantly include me in the Marauders group.
          Then, I kept looking the other way at everything you and Sirius did to so many people, because I was afraid of being isolated and alone for my entire stay at Hogwarts, and all this, for not supporting the bullying you and Sirius do to so many of our peers at school, especially the students of Slytherin house.
          I guess I also hoped that one day you and Sirius would see all that I did for the two of you and the group, but nothing I did was enough for the two of you.


This way it is better written and better understood


Since I was an extra for you two, or rather, a real nuisance in the group.


-You know something, James? I'm really tired and fed up with you. Remus is not the only one who thinks and feels this way, as I myself am in the same situation as Moony. After all, I'm not a saint, but rather a hypocrite, because, like Remus, I didn't put a stop to your and Sirius' bullying of others, and especially Snape and the Slytherins. 
          And worst of all, I participated in the bloody bullying, something I am not proud of, but ashamed of, and not just me, but Remus feels that way too.
          One of the reasons I did nothing and stood aside like a coward is because, like Remus, I too feared that if I defended the victims from you, from the other prejudiced classmates and especially from Sirius, who never missed a chance to belittle or judge me, I too would end up being bullied in the end.


By the way in the last chapter of the Astrophilia story there are sentences that are not understood and it is poorly written.
          So the following would be like this, and that's when Peter brings out the claws he had long buried inside to defend Remus from James and Sirius.