-You know something, James? I'm really tired and fed up with you. Remus is not the only one who thinks and feels this way, as I myself am in the same situation as Moony. After all, I'm not a saint, but rather a hypocrite, because, like Remus, I didn't put a stop to your and Sirius' bullying of others, and especially Snape and the Slytherins.
And worst of all, I participated in the bloody bullying, something I am not proud of, but ashamed of, and not just me, but Remus feels that way too.
One of the reasons I did nothing and stood aside like a coward is because, like Remus, I too feared that if I defended the victims from you, from the other prejudiced classmates and especially from Sirius, who never missed a chance to belittle or judge me, I too would end up being bullied in the end.