
@Light_Yagami_san hehe, sorry i haveny been on lately, its about ichigo korusaki, preety much he can see ghosts and has a large amount of spirit energy, this causes hollows(evil corrupted souls) he then meets rukia cutchki a soul reaper (shinigami) as she appears in his house in search of a decently powerfull hollow that then beats her, so she gifts ichigo her soul reaper powers and destroys the hollow, then rukia has to regain her powers so she gets a human body (did i mention soul reapers cannot be seen) then some of ichigo's other frienda start to gain spirit powers after incidents with hollows, then because giving a human soul reaper powers is a huge sin tge soul sociaty captures rukia and setences her to death, so ichigo and some of his friends go to the soul sociaty to save her, but i recomend watching yourself if you want to understand this better