Does... does anyone wanna be a co-writer on Marked part II??
I’ve been stalling so much I don’t know why...
Maybe I should “sell” this story.
But I really want to finish it and not disappoint you guys :c
Anyways hope to finish chapter 6 soon. Might have some changes since the “sneak peek” posted.
Y’all prey for me
hello, I am the girl from yesterday who complained about your story and I wanted to apologize, yesterday I was irritated by nothing and discounted my story, I just judged without asking the author And that was wrong, when I was younger I wrote worse things without even knowing it, I'm glad you grew up as an author and I wish you all the best, once again I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, I will delete my comment to not engage, that's it, stay well
So I’ve recently been seeing a lot of “ No ✨” and “No❤️” in the comments and I was hella confused at first then I realized it’s just people saying no to a ship in general.
At times I found it funny but some of y’all are taking it toooooooooo serious. I’m not against any ship but these are the ones I prefer! So please! Just enjoy the terrible writing of Marked
Love lots- see ya soon.