
Haha well you see I have something that I like to call HIGHSCHOOL and it kind of gets in the way of me having spare time... I also have a thousand books to read, video games from Christmas to beat and TV shows that I need to finish. Get off my back ;P and yeah, put wattpad in duh. And you want to be an author? Haha I kind of figured. But don't JUST be an author because they make little money unless they are really REALLY good. And no offense, but youre great, not amazing. :/ anyway, good luck as always :D Maybe I'll go write know too xD


Haha well you see I have something that I like to call HIGHSCHOOL and it kind of gets in the way of me having spare time... I also have a thousand books to read, video games from Christmas to beat and TV shows that I need to finish. Get off my back ;P and yeah, put wattpad in duh. And you want to be an author? Haha I kind of figured. But don't JUST be an author because they make little money unless they are really REALLY good. And no offense, but youre great, not amazing. :/ anyway, good luck as always :D Maybe I'll go write know too xD


Hey! wait wait, I forgot what I was gonna say... (type)... just a minute...or two..............1,5 minutes later.........oh yeah!!!! okay, um I just realized that I joined only less than  two months after you, when in church, I thought you were like a pro of wattpad, like a ninja, P)