*Dances Around Aunt Cass' Cafe Until I Saw You* *Stops* Hey...? hehehe.... um... *scratches the back of my neck* you saw that? :P Don't judge and laugh. So....I'm Hiro Hamada. I live in San Fransokyo, With Aunt Cass, Tadashi and Mochi the fat cat that I hate so much. 

I'm lazy to think of a name :P
Hiro: Guess Who ;)
Honey Lemon: @HoneyLemonBigHero6
Gogo Tomago:
Tadashi Hamada: @TadashiHxmada
Mochi -.-": @mochi-the-cat
Aunt Cass:

Status: Meh. Sorry But, I love Messing my things around and always eat Aunt Cass' doughnuts! xD

Crush: *blushes* Secret :3

Byeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! xDD

  • Дата регистрацииJune 8, 2015

Последнее сообщение
HiroHxmada HiroHxmada Feb 10, 2016 01:37PM
I'm Sorry for being inactive guys :(
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Ask Hiro от HiroHxmada
Ask Hiro
Pretty Self-Explainatory :D Hiro Hamada