
@BaskervilleHall you're very welcome:) I just hope you update soon lol. I know how hard it is to write a good chapter but I hope one comes out soon^^ I really enjoy making my authors happy


I'll do my best!


Heyy, I hope you remember me! :) I'm the author for Mephisto's Precious Black Beauty, and just wanted to tell you that I started updating the story again. Sorry for such the long wait, I know it's been MOOOOONTHS since last I updated it. I thought that maybe since I started it up again though, that maybe you read the newest chapter? You don't have too, and if you don't I totally understand:) I know you used to like the story and all, so that's why I'm asking! Sorry for bothering you in any way if I have. Have a nice day!!      


@XxLizziexLullabyxX awwwwww, yay xD hahaha, great! Ive put up two new chaprers now haha. Working on a new one now ^•^ amd no its alright :D


@XxLizziexLullabyxX really?? Yay!! I missed reading that! Sorry I didn't get back with you sooner I was on vacation