
@Zoe_is_lovely14 hey no we r good come to church plz chic I miss uuuuu


I ŁÖVÊ ŸÔÙ, I MISS YOU AND IM SOOOOO SORRY STILL! YOU WERE MY SISTER AND MY BEST FRIEnd. I moved to George Tate rode in front of the middle school. Idk if u left Georgia yet. DONT TELL ANYONE ABOUT THIS ACCOUNT. It's a secret. Yes I screwed up and after I screwed up with you I screwed up within myself. I wanna talk to you. Email mail at Zoe.R.Castleberry@gmail.com


"A/N: This is gonna be a loooong chapter to make up for all the late uds. I think this is the longest I’ve ever written. Enjoy! I know you will. >:)
               Out of everything that was happening too quickly, Kristina decided to think like an optimist. Even though a series of events happened today, it was finally Friday, and tomorrow, Lizzy and Jacob will be back from Hawaii. Kristina sighed in relief from the thought before a vein throbbed in her forehead. She was so gonna get her mom for this.
               A few hours ago, Ella pulled her and Daniel out of the rooftop to give Kristopher and Daniella some time to talk and maybe work things out. Ella, the traitor, abandoned her best friend and left her to Daniel’s care. Daniel, being Daniel, tormented her with his usual teases and annoyed her with his trademark smirk. He kept going on and on about their short session last night. He couldn’t get it off his head as it kept on playing back and forth like a broken record. Kristina was trembling out of embarrassment.
               Their argument went for a long time. Kristina continuously walked, trying to get away from her fiancé, but her efforts were futile because he just kept following her like a lost puppy. Not to mention still nagging her out of her wits. That was until they unconsciously climbed up the stairs that led to the rooftop, where they usually hung out, and interrupted a moment between two people around their age. Kristina felt awkward all of a sudden and wanted to apologize, until she realized who that couple was. 
               She gave herself a mental slap on the face for forgetting that Kristopher and Daniella were on the rooftop. She didn’t even realize her own legs dragged her back up the rooftop. It was all Daniel’s fault, she thought. Because every time he annoyed her, her blood just boiled and instantl..." http://wattpad.com/story/786163


Omg ashley dont murder me xD Jk Jk.. Imma use thomas and um brett and maybe u in my story.. I have some HUGE IDEAS... and umm it might turn out. errr Awkward .. So this is a heads up. Don''t tell brett or thomas. Promise? Kay great. Umm ill update maybe wednsday and saturday during the day and at night my scelduel is cray cray cuz my ugh dad..