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So unfortunately I’m going to have to remove my story. Andy and Ethan just posted something that speaks on their behalf about how fan-fictions make them feel. It makes both of them uncomfortable and I can’t willingly put something out that I know makes them feel that way. I am really devastated as this story was my safe place but, I’m doing it to respect them, what kind of person would I be if I didn’t? ———- Regardless of that. Thank you so fucking much for the love and support you’ve all shown me on this story! I’m so sorry it’s come to an end. I truly hope you understand!

Maybe you could post it again with other names? I really like your stories, I'm sad you deleted it even though I understand why and I'm glad you did. But I'll miss it so much (´༎ຶོ-༎ຶོ`)

A new chapter is out!! It’s sad at the start but spicy at the end please read the warnings before proceeding!! Ily enjoy!!

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Fuck I love you guys

Hiii! Hope your doing well and are having a nice day/night! I was wondering when next chapter will be available, your book is amazing omggg(no stress tho! You’re prbly having school work or other stuff that’s priority, but just wanted to say that your amazing and inspiring!) hugs from goblin!!!

and it does not annoy anyone, since it was so good quality and amazingly written, you don’t have anything to worry about! Good luck

@p4perangelxo omg!!! Don’t forget to sleep tho and k would argue that you’re the genius and not me hugs from goblin

@th3sadgoblin we have the exact same mind. I was thinking about doing a part 3 but didn’t wanna annoy anyone by keeping it going…you’re a genius!! It’s 1:30am but imma start writing now