Attention girls/women on wattpad.....this is a notice for you to stop idolizing humans and striving to look like them and be "beautiful " like these actresses and "models" who wear pounds of makeup and have more silicone in their bodies than anything else.....who wear clothes but are still naked and who may do the worst things possible behind the scenes just to be famous. .....The media only shows what they want to and convey the message in the way they want you to believe it. ..Beauty does not have a label....There is no "one look " to be beautiful. When one is beautiful on the inside it radiates on the outside. Someone with an attractive face with a horrible character starts to appear ugly to others but someone who has an amazing personality and leaves a mark wherever they go always appear beautiful...All beauty may not come from the inside as we have eyes to see outward appearance but you should not be unhappy with your appearance if you don't look like someone else. No Matter what anyone says..You are beautiful....Embrace yourself...Cherish What you have been blessed with and look beyond the mirror into your soul and you will see ..perfection..because nothing that God created has faults.