Well, the few years have passed. Where's my hug >:(? (I'm kidding, hope you're okay bro)
Reading Lists
Hi everyone, I’m not going to be back for a few years (for unrelated reasons) but I am still alive irl—and I’m sorry I didn’t announce my sudden inactivity. (Don’t reply—I won’t be around to see it, since I’m going to become inactive very soon again. XD) Thanks, Hailey
@HistoryHayley Literal Years or figurative years? Either way, hope you're still well. I feel as if I haven't seen you in ages xD
Well, the few years have passed. Where's my hug >:(? (I'm kidding, hope you're okay bro)
Hi everyone, I’m not going to be back for a few years (for unrelated reasons) but I am still alive irl—and I’m sorry I didn’t announce my sudden inactivity. (Don’t reply—I won’t be around to see it, since I’m going to become inactive very soon again. XD) Thanks, Hailey
@HistoryHayley Literal Years or figurative years? Either way, hope you're still well. I feel as if I haven't seen you in ages xD
@Bluebunny2017 oh!!! Thanks for caring When I returned, I was really afraid that people would be mad at me… but you’re not! Thanks for that, so much I won’t be active here for some years for unrelated reasons, but thank you for caring. So much.
Mmmmm hello hello First of all, I call everyone kiddo- my friend who's in grade 11? Also called kiddo. A fourth-grader in my school? Very much a kiddo. I doubt you're under 13 because, well, twelve-year-olds are rarely interested in controversial things and politics. I mean, granted, I did start model UN at 11 and I did start reading the economist at 12, but I'm pretty sure that's an exception. You don't seem the type to be a super mature kid, so I'm assuming you have the life experience of at least a high-school student. I did get kind of annoyed when you started going off about this because, seriously, did you really take the time to write about something so trivial? You're saying that people who do activism for CH waste their time and are too shallow, but aren't you doing that too, on a even higher level? It irks me when you say stuff like this because putting value in what people think of you is a normal human trait. People feel bad about themselves as it is, and you really shouldn't be saying 'people who compare themselves to others or champion respect are stupid and wasting their time and focus on random things and rant too much' because that's genuinely hurtful. Yes, we all know that activism for the environment most likely won't do much unless you take it to court, but telling activists that is making the chance of change even slimmer. You're being a hypocrite right now, and a serious pessimist, and honestly sort of a bully by taking out personal matters on people who are genuinely trying to do their best. I do agree with everything you said, but I hate it when you get mad at or jealous of the people who are on the better side of things. Someone's successful and a good writer and super awesome (like mango or blue)? Great! Why must you go after people like that? Seriously.
@HistoryHayley @Austro_naut @Bluebunny2017 oh dear- not to butt in, but what happened here?
I’m sorry I’d delete my rant, but Blue wrote a whole lot down there and I don’t want to scrap all of that without her knowledge. I’m not going to try and excuse what I said; it was hurtful and rude and now I know it. I will apologize to rustypetals for my irrational jealousy. I also don’t really expect a reply, and frankly, I don’t want one. If any of my feelings were hurt, I’ve already forgiven you for it. I don’t think there’s anything more that needs to be said, but if you do, you can write it. I could say more stuff about how bad I feel about this whole thing, but that would just detract from what actually needs to be said. I’m sorry.
@Bluebunny2017 Oh hi Blue!! Right, so, I think there's very much a culture difference going on here. Many may think that what I have said was being downright mean, but honestly, I was being very careful to only state facts. I didn't use any swear words, I didn't call anyone a bad word or a slur, and I didn't use capital letters. I'm not sure if you saw, but Hayley has been repeatedly saying stuff like this and being rather hypocritical (look a few announcements down), and I've been following her for a long time. I feel like how she phrased it was in a more disrespectful manner than mine, although it may not seem so. I wrote many paragraphs in one go, while Hayley has been doing this in smaller bits all over her page. I have inside information, and what she is saying has made many people I know feel hurt and unappreciated. Hayley only has twenty something followers. Imagine if she had more? Imagine if what she said, which was basically 'people who do CH activism are wasting their time', got to hundreds of people? That's called bullying, even though it's not directed at anyone in particular. Maybe, because I compete in professional Debate and other such activities, I'm more used to being talked back to. Well, hear me out: everything I've been saying here is what I would say to a debate opponent, or to someone who broke school rules (seeing as I'm also on student council). It is perfectly acceptable to say things like this in the educated and formal community, and I spend a lot of time in said community. Perhaps I expected everyone to be equally open-minded and willing to be disagreed with. So, to summarize: I did try to be very respectful and only use facts and decent language in my response, and I do actually have reason to believe that what Hayley has said is just as hurtful, disrespectful and downright mean as you say I am. Everything I've said is acceptable by university and high school standards, so I'm not sure what you're trying to get at.
Am I the only one who hates it when people rant? And when people in the Countryhumans fandom complain about their books not getting as much attention as smut books? Seriously, you're not getting anything from attention except for a short dopamine high. You don't need to write to survive. Also, why are you even looking at smut books in the first place? Why do you care about how many views they have? Why do you care at all about the Countryhumans fandom except for the little pocket that likes historical accuracy? (Excluding the part that insists on people liking 'underrated' countries. They're hypocrites as they've probably been teased about their own interests before.)
@HistoryHayley *coughs* take a look at yourself, kiddo, are you sure you aren't ranting either?
Who here is acquaintances with the sudden feeling of wanting to smash your device in with a sledgehammer? *Raises hand*
My dad is out there trying to capture a bolt of lightning with his camera. He got one on his first try. I'm going to have trouble sleeping tonight.
@HistoryHayley I didn't read the ",With his camera bit' at first. So I thought you said your dad was going to catch a bot if lightning with his bare hands. Chad either way
✎ Quick question; My sibling[Aurèle], was just wondering if you had blocked them. I forget what they wanted exactly, but I think they were just curious about your profile because they felt bad they never seem to interact with you even though you comment on their stuff a lot. [This isn't meant to be mean at all, but If it is, just say the word and this'll be down within moments.] }
@HistoryHayley Great! I'll check it out! ^^ [sorry it took me so long to reply. I was a little busy.]
@HistoryHaley Yeah, of course! You always vote on my stuff which is much appreciated so I figured I would come and check your stuff out! That's neat! I'll check it out whenever it's done! [It might take me a few minutes because I'm a little tired, but I'll check it out whenever I can! ^-^]
Guys this is epic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uws5OKjR6bU
That feeling when you're playing a fast song with a lot of notes and your right and left hands just refuse to cooperate
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