
Hey guys!
          	I kind of just disappeared for a while. I'm sorry about that. I'm not sure how many of you guys still check these things that I wrote, but thank you to the 30 people who still follow me   :)
          	I would like to start posting things again but with school starting back up I'm not sure how frequent that'll be. I'll try to get something up tonight.
          	That's all for now! Thanks!


Looks like it. RIP, I had nice chats with you History_Hub (as RainbowMilk)


Hey guys!
          I kind of just disappeared for a while. I'm sorry about that. I'm not sure how many of you guys still check these things that I wrote, but thank you to the 30 people who still follow me   :)
          I would like to start posting things again but with school starting back up I'm not sure how frequent that'll be. I'll try to get something up tonight.
          That's all for now! Thanks!


Looks like it. RIP, I had nice chats with you History_Hub (as RainbowMilk)


Hey guys!
          I'm so so SO sorry I haven't been on! I just graduated 8th grade and then had to go on a week long trip with the class and I had some family come over for a few weeks..... Lots of stuff! Including an update for Wattpad! Only problem is that I can't figure out how to comment or vote on stories! I feel like it's very obvious and I completely missed it (like usual). 
          Well that's all from me!
          See ya :)


Oh my gosh. I'm SO SO sorry I haven't been on. I have a TON of homework and very little time to get on Wattpad. I'm really sorry! But I'm back and I'll try to update more frequently. A new flag should be going up soon, see you then!
          And thanks for 15 followers!