
It’s like 5:30 and all I’ve eaten is one pancake… it’s been a day…


@ausuna858300 I’m pretty sure it was just nerves that day, like I was perfectly fine after the SAC


@HoHBel Aww that’s not good!  I hoo you feel better soon though… good you’re having dinner!


@ausuna858300 dunno. Just didn’t feel like it. Could’ve of been the anxiety from the English SAC, or just not feeling well but idk, didn’t feel like eating much at all. Don’t worry, I’ll have dinner soon


It’s like 5:30 and all I’ve eaten is one pancake… it’s been a day…


@ausuna858300 I’m pretty sure it was just nerves that day, like I was perfectly fine after the SAC


@HoHBel Aww that’s not good!  I hoo you feel better soon though… good you’re having dinner!


@ausuna858300 dunno. Just didn’t feel like it. Could’ve of been the anxiety from the English SAC, or just not feeling well but idk, didn’t feel like eating much at all. Don’t worry, I’ll have dinner soon


When you made a promise and you’re trying so hard to keep it, but the urges are back


@HoHBel that’s me when my aunty got pregnant and I knew and I had to keep it a secret… 


Whelp, I had a good start to the day
          Had no power until like 3am, so my hearing aids don’t have enough charge, nor does my devices for school. My car is being stupid and not turning off properly, so it has to go to the mechanics. And I have school photos, which I hate. 


I love how it’s 4pm and all I’ve eaten today is a small pea ice of dried mango and half a can of coke 


Piece** not pea ice lol


Bodies are weird. Like how can I have a stomach that sticks out, but then you can see my ribs. Like is all my fat just in my stomach and thighs and not protecting my ribs? Idk 


@q-quinn-_-25 ohhhh. I didn’t know that. Makes sense though


@HoHBel yes biological women store fsr around their hips and stomach besides yr stomafh will nvr truely be able to be flat due to the ovulation cycle and yr ovaries


I just love how it’s nearly midnight, and for the past 15 minutes I’ve been having a breakdown because it’s finally hit me that my Gra wont be there on Christmas, and it feels like I’m forgetting his voice


@HoHBel awww that’s so sad…i hope you feel better soon!  And have a good Christmas at least.  Even though he maybe gone I’m sure he would want you to still live and enjoy the life you have…because he loves you and always will be there when you need him most without you knowing.


You know, I always thought this year would go well. In some parts, it has. But it’s also been quite possibly the worst year.
          Maggie, I miss you so very much. It’s been a few months and I still look over at the corner where your bed used to be. Loki goes around sniffing the tennis balls you used to play with constantly. I wish you were still here
          Gra, it’s been 18 days and I wish it hasn’t. I miss all the moments we used to has, especially us eating things with Vegemite or you teasing me with jokes about the Hawks. Thanks to you, I partially Barwick for the Hawks and think of you every time they win. I love you. 
          And now Blaze. I love you like you were my own dog, and not just my grandparents. I’ll miss you so much and I hope you’re having fun in heaven with Maggie and Gra.