
Archiving TLaCaSaF and posting two new stories that are very new, but I like way better! TLaCaSaF draft 2 (the one I'm currently updating) will be on hiatus as I work on revamping draft 1, and working on a draft 5/ revamping drafts 3 and 4. The new stories are called 'Two Humans' and 'A Buck and a Heartrabrake' and you'll learn more about them very soon! I hope y'all enjoy them!!!


Archiving TLaCaSaF and posting two new stories that are very new, but I like way better! TLaCaSaF draft 2 (the one I'm currently updating) will be on hiatus as I work on revamping draft 1, and working on a draft 5/ revamping drafts 3 and 4. The new stories are called 'Two Humans' and 'A Buck and a Heartrabrake' and you'll learn more about them very soon! I hope y'all enjoy them!!!


Y'all I've been writing and updating TLaCaSaF like crazy, writing whenever I have free time, writing ideas on my civics notes (No joke, we were talking about the first amendment and I straight up wrote 'Jayum note!!!' where we wrote about free speech) and revisiting old drafts for ideas. That being said; I've written chapter 9, and the whole story (including what I have written for chapter 10) is at 15,000 words and 102 pages!! So yeah, I'm about to post chapter 9 ahahaa


@weasley_sperm_bank I find it crazy that I still have your discord DMs in my little group of DMs and I'm like constantly just staring and reading our old messages ahaha. But yes; I've been doing well! I've been reading your announcements from time to time and they are very entertaining, I must say. Thank you for the message though, omg you just made my day!


@HoNeYiShRuNk i feel like i haven't checked in here in AGES (literally like a year since we were in that writing discord together and spontaneously tried to write a fantasy story lol) but it looks like you're doing well! i'm glad you're doing so well with your projects, and i hope you continue on that path!!