Hi, it's been a while... (as always T____T) I just want to say thank you and sorry for leaving you all hanging for such a long time, even after promising to finish my stories before indulging myself in the adult world... Before, I struggled to update because of piling schoolwork, but now, I'm struggling because of workloads. I sometimes cry at night, questioning myself—is this really what I want? I never thought teaching would be this draining, life-consuming, and stressful. I want an escape from this, but even though writing is one of them, I can't even do it because I am already physically and mentally exhausted. All I can think about is sleep. :( All of my stories here are close to my heart. They are my treasures, and I am proud of them. I want to finish them—I really do. Even though there are times I feel like discontinuing them, I won’t, because I love all of you and my works. They deserve a proper closure, both for me and for you all... I won’t promise anything right now, but one of these days, I’ll update. I just can’t say which one.

@HobaDairen your works are really amazing but take care of your health..Just take care and if u feel like update it..But connect with us sometimes..

@HobaDairen cannot say anything and i know how hard life is but only i can say take care of yourself. We are not mad at you, feel free to share anything :)