
Whaaaat I published a not even finished short story I started like a month ago? Waaowwww go check it out maybe (And provide feedback, please.)


Yo, followers (and random people) uh, I'm starting to post more stuff, so go check those out if you want. It's cool if you don't like it but if you got a pal who you think would then uh, you know the drill. Show em. Thanks, have a cool face: B)


@Princess_veronica_s I will snack on your remains, dear sister : )


            \\ Λ_Λ  This is Memecat. Help
             \( 'ㅅ' )   memecat take over
              > ⌒ヽ   Wattpad by putting him
             /   へ  \   in your description
             /  / \\   or he will never
             レ ノ   ヽつ  be a meme
            / / 
            / /| 
           ( (ヽ 
           | |、\ 
           | 丿 \ ⌒) 
           | |  ) /
          ⊂ヽ   ⊂ヽ