So, of course you’ve noticed I haven’t published in a longggggggg time. I thought I was gonna have the self motivation to finish all these stories I’ve started and published. But sadly, I really don’t. School and family plays a big part in me not publishing, but it’s mostly myself.
I apologize to those of u who have started reading my stories even when they’re not that great. It means a lot.❤️❤️❤️
I’ve always had a problem with committing to certain things I want to do. I always start and then stopped. I have the ambition to make a story but I don’t think I really have the skills to finish it the way I want. Too many ideas pop up in my head and I tend to rush the story.
So, if u want me to update a certain story of mine, then u can ask or request (so that way I’ll be more enable to do it) but if not then I’ll just update whenever, I guess.