
I really been trying to write  everytime I open up a story to attempt to create a chapter, I fall asleep  this has been happening for a month straight I’m so sorry. I AM EXHAUSTED 


Hey guys. I know many of you are waiting for an update for the stories. Honestly, I’ve been working on chapters for each book. But here lately, I haven’t been in the exact mind frame to write my fan fictions. I feel like it’s okay to be completely honest with the people who support me and my craft. I’ve been all over the place and to be honest, I’m exhausted physically and mentally. So, just bear with me for a bit and I’ll get back to it 


@HobisSafetyZone Breaks are necessary for sure!  Never apologize for putting yourself first.  xo


@HobisSafetyZone take your time , we are here. Focus on be a healthy you, physically and mentally that’s what’s important.


I took off work for the day. I’m updating today.  Y’all are funny I swear adding my books to libraries titled ‘Stories with no Ending’  I’m sorry yall. Life been slinging me through the wringer. I got a promotion at work and it’s more work on top of my normal stuff. Writers block been beating me too man. I appreciate you guys sticking around! 


@HobisSafetyZone Oh yes, I agree, that one is good.  :) :)


@mskimami I think it’s good cause they want it updated. 