
Sorry for the delay in updating Uncanny everyone. Currently dealing with some life things. The draft/plan of the next chapter is ready, but I need to flesh it out. Thank you guys for understanding 


Current working on the John Doe fic and I intend to finish it, but I did wanna ask
          I'm gonna make 2 more fics with 2 other yanderes in the near future. Which would y'all prefer first?
          Alan Orion (My Dear Hatchet Man)
          Jack (Something's Wrong with Sunny Day Jack)


@ HoboClown  Alan! :)


Yikes this account was left for dead and was still getting reads haha. Well, this announcement is something that needs to be said. Regarding my Cronus x Kankri fanfiction, I deleted it. I logged in for the first time in almost 7 years. 7 years. I had a huge inbox of messages of comments in both my GamTav and CroKri story, but of the two, the CroKri was of concern. I read through it and it wasn't too bad at first, just some poor writing that'd be expected of someone with little experience. Until it got to the lemon. Reading that section, it made me sick and ashamed of myself. Not only did I make Cronus this really nice-guy kind of dude, but the scene was practically r*pe. And for that, I want to apologize to anyone who read that. Given the time I wrote these stories, I was young. TOO young in fact. What I thought was normal or to be expected in a healthy relationship was actually twisted into something that was abusive and awful due to trauma that I had experienced and thought "oh, this is normal. This is how it goes." 7 years later, I have grown. I have left this fandom and have learned from mistakes. I want to sincerely apologize for anyone who read that part of the story and upset anyone due to my ignorance of what is actually healthy or not. I have deleted the story and with my GamTav fic, have posted an update with a very important author's note in the recent chapter. 


            Ik this is a year late but at least you know now that what you did is wrong and that you have become a better person over the years. 
            Being put through trauma makes bad things seem normal, and people put through that trauma can have a tendency to normalize things that shouldnt ever be considered normal. 
            Plus you were young at the time, which makes it more understandable since you didnt know any better. Not sure when or if you will ever see this, but i hope you are doing alright now.


this message may be offensive
HeLlO My fOlLoWeRs, BuT I FeEl tHaT I NeEd tO BrInG ThIs tO AtTeNtIoN. hAvE AnY Of yOu rEaD My lAtEsT StOrY? i fEeL ThAt pEoPlE ArEn't rEaDiNg iT AnD If tHeY ArE, tHeY DiSlIkE It. I WoUlD LiKe tO PlEaSe yOu aLl tHoUgH. sO, iF YoU HaVe rEaD It, PlEaSe cOmMeNt!!!! i dOn't rEaLlY CaRe fOr vOtEs, BuT CoMmEnTs! It gIvEs mE A ChAnCe tO FiGuRe oUt wHaT NeEdS To bE FiXeD AnD WhAt dOeSn't. I CaN'T StReSs tHiS EnOuGh gUyS! sO PlEaSe, TeLl mE WhAt i tEnD To fUcK Up oN. hAvE A GrEaT WhAtEvEr! :0)


@HoboClown *thumbs up * aLRIGHTY }:)


@HoboClown alright I'll get on it (puts on signature sunglasses)