
They shall grow not old, 
          	As we that are left to grow old, 
          	Age shall not weary them,
          	Nor the years condemn,
          	At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
          	We will remember them,
          	Lest We Forget!
          	*‘The Last Post’ plays*
          	*minute silence*
          	*‘The Last Post’ continues then ends*
          	  Australians all let us rejoice
          	For we are young and free
          	We've golden soil and wealth for toil
          	Our home is girt by sea
          	Our land abounds in nature's gifts
          	Of beauty rich and rare
          	In history's page, let every stage
          	Advance Australia Fair
          	In joyful strains then let us sing
          	Advance Australia Fair   
          	  E ihowa atua,
          	O nga iwi matou ra
          	Ata whakarangona
          	Me aroha noa
          	Kia hua ko te pai
          	Kia tau to atawhai
          	Manaakitia mai
          	God of nations! At thy feet
          	In the bonds of love we meet,
          	Hear our voices, we entreat,
          	God defend our free land.
          	Guard pacific's triple star,
          	From the shafts of strife and war,
          	Make her praises heard afar,
          	God defend New Zealand  


@Hogwarts-ravenclaw7 I woke up at 5:30 to go outside to stand out there for 10 mins


          _✨»Holaa, Recibiste una invitación a HOGWARTS BYTALTA, el mejor colegio de magia y hechicería._
          _✨»Acá vas a encontrar:_
          ‍♀️⟩ Mini-juegos y eventos.
          ♟️⟩ Dinámicas.
          ‍♀️⟩ Concursos.
          ⟩ Torneos.
          ⟩ Club Nocturno.
          ⟩ Juego de Roles.
          ⟩ Confesiones.
          ️⟩ Libros de la Saga.
          ⟩ Biblioteca y Clases.
          ⟩ Copa de Casas.
          ⟩ Copas Especiales.
           _✨»Y muchisimas cosas más!!_
          _✨»Si querés vivir esta experiencia magica unite por este link y no olvides sacar captura de donde lo encontraste:_


They shall grow not old, 
          As we that are left to grow old, 
          Age shall not weary them,
          Nor the years condemn,
          At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
          We will remember them,
          Lest We Forget!
          *‘The Last Post’ plays*
          *minute silence*
          *‘The Last Post’ continues then ends*
            Australians all let us rejoice
          For we are young and free
          We've golden soil and wealth for toil
          Our home is girt by sea
          Our land abounds in nature's gifts
          Of beauty rich and rare
          In history's page, let every stage
          Advance Australia Fair
          In joyful strains then let us sing
          Advance Australia Fair   
            E ihowa atua,
          O nga iwi matou ra
          Ata whakarangona
          Me aroha noa
          Kia hua ko te pai
          Kia tau to atawhai
          Manaakitia mai
          God of nations! At thy feet
          In the bonds of love we meet,
          Hear our voices, we entreat,
          God defend our free land.
          Guard pacific's triple star,
          From the shafts of strife and war,
          Make her praises heard afar,
          God defend New Zealand  


@Hogwarts-ravenclaw7 I woke up at 5:30 to go outside to stand out there for 10 mins


 Positivity chain! Post 3 random and safe facts about yourself to ten of your followers 
          1. I stopped letting people get to me 
          2. Ninjago helped me though out the tough times and it taught me to stay strong no matter what comes your way. 
          3. My sister and I are both Pisces. 
          (You don’t have to do this. Only if you wish to.


@Joyfulleah I’m a Pisces as well!
            I am a twin
            I’m a ravenclaw and my twin sister is hufflepuff
            I am a nice and friendly person irl and online


On a happier note mine and my twin sister’s birthday was yesterday!


@Hogwarts-ravenclaw7 Nice. I'm a Hufflepuff because I can't stand any kind of cheating or unfairness, and I'm EXTREMELY loyal. I'm usually the ref in games, but I do enjoy playing.


@SaffirePearl yeah my twin’s a handful  but she is very loyal to her friends and family so she’s alright 


@Hogwarts-ravenclaw7 Cool! So you know that not all Hufflepuffs are little balls of fluff!


March the 4th marks the day of a important person’s death. He was a very valued member in my community and throughout my childhood. His name was Peter but his stage name—as a clown— was Peebo. He as well as his brother (Dave/Dagwood) were diagnosed with CF as well as their younger sister who unfortunately passed away at a young age. The brother fought against cystitis fibrosis and both got a lung transplant. They were able to live their lives and be happy and did bring happiness to the children they performed for however its downfall was shocking and unexpected. Peebo/Peter was diagnosed with liver cancer and wasn’t able to get treated due to his lung transplant so after a long month or so of fighting he was put peacefully to sleep but left his twin brother, daughter and wife as well as other close relatives and friends in mourning. His memorial is tomorrow and I will not be able to pay my respects so I have decided to pay my respects this way. I wish the best for the family & friends in mourning. I wish everyone who knew who these people were to be happy in respect for Peebo’s memory, he may be gone but we should carry on his memory and be happier people to commemorate his life had not gone to waste but was meaningful. We will miss you Peebo but we will never forget you, I will never forget you as long as I live.


@Hogwarts-ravenclaw7 I'm sorry for your loss... But yeah, spread the knowledge so that he will be well remembered.


Okay I’ve been busy so I haven’t updated you on random celebrations so here’s your update:
          Jan 25th- National Opposite Day
          Jan 26th- Fun at Work day 
          Jan 31st- Inspire your heart with Art day 
          Feb 3rd- The day the music died Day
          Feb 7th- Send a card to a Friend Day
          Feb 8th- Kite Flying Day
          Feb 9th- Toothache Day
          Feb 10th- Umbrella Day
          Feb 11th- Don’t cry over spilled milk Day
          Feb 22nd- Be Humble Day
          That’s all the holidays you should be aware of and hopefully I’ll be able to inform you of many more in the year! 




@Hogwarts-ravenclaw7 I have no friends ;-;
            But I think I'd prefer to be left alone sometimes XD
            Anyways the fireworks were great, there were like three in my area.


We celebrate it every year! It’s a day we celebrate united with friends!


National Popcorn day was on 19th of January and I didn’t celebrate it...
          What type of person have I become!?


Wait there’s a popcorn day!?


Thanks @Susitato , I feel better


Happy Nothing Day! It isn’t a day to insult people but a day to just Celebrate for no apparent reason! (January 16th)


U R a blink ,dont U?


Welp. It could be someone’s b day in the world XD not mine. But someone else’s 