
I just want all y'all to know i come back to this account just to read how depressed i made all y'all and that makes me feel a little bit less depressed
          	pro tip: write an angsty self loathing story when your 14 and keep reading to comments lol


this still holds up yeah


I just want all y'all to know i come back to this account just to read how depressed i made all y'all and that makes me feel a little bit less depressed
          pro tip: write an angsty self loathing story when your 14 and keep reading to comments lol


this still holds up yeah


Hi author , it's great ur back!
          Plss update ashtray I really love this story and have reread it multiple times anticipating an update ❤. 
          Sorry if this seems rude though .


 And your other stories to I have read a few and they are nice and well written   


@Midnight7070 you know you should try and get back to writing mabye you can try to continue ashtray with your new Perspective  


@Midnight7070 not rude at all i love that you love the story! :D


hey guess who is alive and 19 years old now, for those of you who have been following this account since I wrote my story ashtray I want you all to know I wrote that at 14 years old
          I've debated coming back and finishing the story and I might but I wanted to address my concerns with brothers' conflict as a series, I personally now that I'm older find it quite problematic and the series has way more red flags than I can see now that I'm older so I'm wondering if I were to write fanfictions for other series would that be better?
          Though I'm half tempted to finish ashtray just because of how many messages I've gotten of people wanting more.
          Anyways I'm off to college soon that's how much time has passed and i wanted to pop in and make sure no one thought i got hit by a bus or anything


I loved it back then but then I went to therapy and have since stopped liking it


@Hokachii lmaooo yes brother's conflict is SHOCKING. I watched it when I was 12 and I've had this curious hatred of it ever since. I'm absolutely obsessed with hating on it lol


          I am doing the walk of shame into this
          I literally haven't logged into this account in forever so it might take me a bit to respond to all the AMAZING comments left, like absolutely blows my mind how a story I started writing at the beginning of covid has grown
          I might update the stories I might not, mostly I started working on my own original ideas and concepts instead of fanfiction but who knows i might get back into it
          Thank you all so much for all the support for all of my stories <3


Hi! I’m a huge fan of your story Ashtray and would like to know if you’re going to be updating it anytime soon? Also, I’m very sorry if this sounded rude


so- been a while- my bad
          I kind of forgot about this account altogether since I started focusing on my own original works instead of fanfictions
          I'm sorry to everyone whos been waiting on updates since like forever, i don't know if ill get to them but if i do then that would be cool
          again sorry for the sudden disapearance