Hey, umm. I don't know what to say here. Perks of being socially awkward even online 
(*cough loser *cough)
Well I guess I'm pretty picky about the kind of books I read. My motto is 'if you're going to be a bookworm, might as well enjoy the books'.
I know it doesn't make sense.
But whateves. Hope you read my books and like them.
(I feel really awkward now)
Umm, I'm a die hard fan girl.
Especially about Steven Universe and Yuri on Ice.
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  • Se ha unidoSeptember 23, 2016

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Hollaback1 Hollaback1 Apr 10, 2017 07:14AM
You*dramatic sob* you at the last pizza*collective gasp* And expect me to forgive you.
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