So this really sweet boy likes me and he has an awesome personality and I like talking to him but I’m not what so ever attracted to him and I genuinely feel terrible because he would be good for me but I just don’t want him back
@HolliNell you’re still trying to move on, don’t rush into other relationships , you might have just set ur standards lower cause you got cheated on , now you have to have even higher standards !!
So this really sweet boy likes me and he has an awesome personality and I like talking to him but I’m not what so ever attracted to him and I genuinely feel terrible because he would be good for me but I just don’t want him back
@HolliNell you’re still trying to move on, don’t rush into other relationships , you might have just set ur standards lower cause you got cheated on , now you have to have even higher standards !!
@HolliNell no gurl!!!! He’s not worth it !! He cheated one you, basically in other words he thought you were a worthless self less little girl that would come back crying for him . Show that you don’t need him. But DOBT rush into ither relationships . AND SPECIALLY DO NOT GET BACK WUTH HIM OK ????
@radioactivechicken_ I’m just so confused cause up until last Thursday everything was perfect he was the sweetest boy I had ever met and now he’s just some Cheater