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Your book was really creepy and I was wondering if you could add one I made and give a shoutout to my book if you like it. The story called three brothers: Once apon a time there were three boys, two older and a younger. One day the older brothers played a prank on the younger and took him to a house that was said to have a mentally insane man inside but the boys thought it was just a story and forced there brother to go in the building. After about five minutes the door slammed open and a head rolled out if the building which made the older brothers run away. After telling the police what happened a swat unit was deployed to the house in which everyone in the swat unit was brutally slashed. After a month a the oldest brother decided that he would kill the old man him self and went to the house. He makes it to the house and kicks the door off of his hinges to see a horrific sight, the old man was dismembered, missing his head, and bites were taken out of him. He lit a candle only to see the killer of the old man and the whole swat team was the youngest brother and the last words the oldest brother heard was "you said he was scary" to then be decapitated by the youngest brother. If you like this shout out my book Helloween.