
Hey everyone! 
          	I just wanted to let everyone know that I am going to continue the story Transformation. If you have any opinions about how you would like the story to go please comment on this message. 


Hey just wondering if you know about Retro Ryno and what he's doing for Bleach?


@HollowZangetsu  I got the notification this time! (Finally haha) And Yeah, they did a fine job for a live action. Anything new and Bleach related is a good thing in my eyes, hopefully now it’s only a matter of time until we have the rest of the anime officially adapted 


@Hollow-Heart  no problem, and yeah i did watch it. I thought it could have benefited by adding more of the soul society but other than that i enjoyed the attention and care in accurately depicting the characters


@HollowZangetsu   Oh dear. I really don’t get these notifications so I have no clue when you respond until I check your account. Real, real sorry. And actually I’ve just recently watched it- I thought it was okay. It could have been worse, it could have been better. Have you seen it yet?