
Just realized I haven't seen one of my favourite movies, Titanic, since before COVID. And yet I watch my favourite movie, Jurassic Park, at least 3 time a year.


From now on whenever someone tries to convince me of some BS conspiracy, I'm gonna shut them up by responding with an even dumber one.
          "Hey Bro, the moon landing was faked."
          "The moon isn't even real."
          "Trump assassination attempt was staged."
          "Trump wasn't even in Pennsylvania."


@ghost66598  Use this trick when a conspiracy theorist is trying to convince you something. Discovered by a Wattpad writer, doctors hate him!


I've given it a lot of thought, and once I've finished my current books, I'm going to quit writing. I haven't been feeling it lately, and I've just not enjoyed writing recently. I'm still going to be active, just not in the writing department. Sorry to all those who wanted more books. Maybe one day I'll decide to write again, but I doubt that will happen. Thank you for all the support I've received. You guys rock.