
New year, new story! Please check it out, thanks!


Hey Hol’s, I love and miss you so much girl! I hope you are doing well! I being praying for you and your family, I really wish I could talk to you! But Wattpad took away the chat feature anyways, love you girl! 


@McKe5nzie Hey girl!! Same here! I love and miss you too sis! Aww that's so sweet! Thanks so much! I pray for you and your family too! Yeah same here! It was a total bummer :( Love you too!


Hey love your stories! I was wondering if you could update your one shots cause I love them so much and make saula have a kid in the other fanfic if it’s where Simon already has two kids. Also do you have access to some old saula fanfic that was on the saula boards by any chance?


Hello! Thank you so much! I would love to continue my one shots, but sadly, I've run out of ideas. So do you have a plot line for me? As far as adding another kid to My Unexpected Life, I'm seriously thinking about it because other readers have suggested that to me before. Unfortunately, I don't have access to any Saula fanfics, sorry! I really wished I did though.


Hey! I really like your writing! :)


No problem! I love how you write, and if you need anyone I’m here :)


@ashithink Thank you so much! :)  I'm leaving for another trip tomorrow but when I get back I'll get back to writing and posting! It's been a busy summer but thank you for your kind words! :)


Dear Readers, 
          I won't be able to post like I have been for about a month. I'm taking summer school, so I'll be busy with that. In one month, I'll bring you two chapters of both my stories. (Like first week, I'll post a chapter of 'The Trap, and the next week I'll post a chapter of 'Unexpected'.) Please let me know if you have any questions. But in July I hope to go back to a chapter a week from both stories. I'll miss posting here, but I won't stop writing!! Have a good day! :)


@JodeyO23 Thank you so much!! Yeah I hope to update soon! Thank you for reading! If you have any questions or ideas please feel free to leave me a note in my inbox! Hope you have a good day! :)


@HollyCodul I really love your unexpected story! I'm so happy your updating it soon!


Hi! I was wondering if any of you have an idea that I could use for a 1/1. I do want to write more, I can't think of any plot lines. So if you have any ideas please let me know here or contact me via the inbox! Thanks! Have a good day!