Wattpad friends! Hi from snowy Chicago! A few of you have read episodes 1-3 of King Solomon's Wives and have asked what happens next... I'm writing Episode 4 as we speak. :-) (5:30 a.m. writing sessions most days!)
The King Solomon's Wives series is special; it's told in episodes, kind of like a television series. I've got a contract to keep exploring the story as long as people are reading and buying it.
My promise to you: A lot of story lines will be resolved soon! The first 4-5 episodes will be like the first season of a TV show. (Of course, other story lines will just be getting started--I'm building something big here, after all.) :-)
By the way, there's something else special about the King Solomon's Wives series... It's interactive! You can vote on the direction of the story. Here's a link to my website, where you can voice your opinion on which characters and clans you want to hear more about. I've got some overall plot arcs in mind, but I *LOVE* reader feedback.
Pop over to my site and vote if you like!
I'm *really* excited about episode 4 (and 5 and 6...). One thing's for sure; this series is just getting started.
Hope you're all having a great month!
P.S. The publisher loves Wattpad readers and will continue to run promotions and giveaways exclusivesly for you. Right now, episodes 1-3 are on sale for $4.99. https://buy.coliloquy.com/ksw Promocode = WATTPAD