Okay, so.
First things first.
I’m re-doing everything, I’m not going to be writing much about fandoms but more on my OC’s. I will try to have some motivation or something to actually help me out.
Secondly, I am making a Discord server. I will try to finish it up as soon as possible for any of you guys who might consider to join!
I’m apologizing for not being here as much as I wanted to be, I really do apologize because I had a family member with COVID-19 and I was scared. I’m not trying to get any attention towards this but then I also had online courses I was doing.
Lastly, I will be trying to do my best to be here even if none of you have read this at all. I know this message is not even important to anyone, but if it is.. Thank you for actually being here with me.
I’m going to be trying to do my best and I really wish that even one person could give me support and motivation.
I’m so inspired by the people who have progressed into being stars and I would live to have tips!
Thanks for your time and be strong through this pandemic! ❤️