
Hey everyone, it's a very bittersweet Holly here with some... news. 
          	So I'm sure you all have noticed that I haven't been on here since June. There's a reason for that, and here it is: essentially, I've lost complete interest in the Warriors series. I don't want to read any more of the books, and I don't really want to be involved in the fandom. (That sounds way harsher than I mean it to sound....) I've just grown out of the series and since this account is completely Warriors-focused, I've grown out of it, too. 
          	A few of you (if you noticed I was gone, which a lot of people probably haven't haha) may have already come to this conclusion, but I'm leaving this account. I don't want to be on it anymore, and I don't want to write Warriors fanfiction anymore. I'm still unsure as to whether or not I will delete the account, but as of now I'm leaning towards at least deleting all my books. I've grown up a lot since I started this account, and I have new interests. 
          	I probably should have said this a while ago, but honestly I just never wanted to. For a while I had a couple of alarms set on my phone reminding me to check this account out of a sense of guilt-driven obligation, but after a couple of weeks they were both placed at bad times and annoying to me, and I realized that if I'm only checking them because I feel I need to, then there's no point in even being on the account. 
          	That's all. Good bye, everyone! I had a lot of fun on this account and it's sad that I'm writing this, even though I'd already decided I was leaving. I love you all <3


@Hollyleaf_  Yes, it's late, and yes, you probably won't ever read this, but I just wanted to say, goodbye dear friend. It was really nice talking to you.




I wanted to say I read one of your works today and it really inspired me to start writing and reading again. I've been really depressed these past few days and reading your book cheered me up. I hope that you will continue to write, even if it isn't Warriors fanfics anymore. You are an amazing author and can draw readers in. The characters are so interesting and lovable. The stories are so intriguing. :) I hope that we can be friends because you seem like such a cool person. :) Have a good day!


Hey everyone, it's a very bittersweet Holly here with some... news. 
          So I'm sure you all have noticed that I haven't been on here since June. There's a reason for that, and here it is: essentially, I've lost complete interest in the Warriors series. I don't want to read any more of the books, and I don't really want to be involved in the fandom. (That sounds way harsher than I mean it to sound....) I've just grown out of the series and since this account is completely Warriors-focused, I've grown out of it, too. 
          A few of you (if you noticed I was gone, which a lot of people probably haven't haha) may have already come to this conclusion, but I'm leaving this account. I don't want to be on it anymore, and I don't want to write Warriors fanfiction anymore. I'm still unsure as to whether or not I will delete the account, but as of now I'm leaning towards at least deleting all my books. I've grown up a lot since I started this account, and I have new interests. 
          I probably should have said this a while ago, but honestly I just never wanted to. For a while I had a couple of alarms set on my phone reminding me to check this account out of a sense of guilt-driven obligation, but after a couple of weeks they were both placed at bad times and annoying to me, and I realized that if I'm only checking them because I feel I need to, then there's no point in even being on the account. 
          That's all. Good bye, everyone! I had a lot of fun on this account and it's sad that I'm writing this, even though I'd already decided I was leaving. I love you all <3


@Hollyleaf_  Yes, it's late, and yes, you probably won't ever read this, but I just wanted to say, goodbye dear friend. It was really nice talking to you.




Have you read Lady Midnight yet?#


@xX_GalaxyQueen_Xx yes it is!! I loved itp