Hey everyone, it's a very bittersweet Holly here with some... news.
So I'm sure you all have noticed that I haven't been on here since June. There's a reason for that, and here it is: essentially, I've lost complete interest in the Warriors series. I don't want to read any more of the books, and I don't really want to be involved in the fandom. (That sounds way harsher than I mean it to sound....) I've just grown out of the series and since this account is completely Warriors-focused, I've grown out of it, too.
A few of you (if you noticed I was gone, which a lot of people probably haven't haha) may have already come to this conclusion, but I'm leaving this account. I don't want to be on it anymore, and I don't want to write Warriors fanfiction anymore. I'm still unsure as to whether or not I will delete the account, but as of now I'm leaning towards at least deleting all my books. I've grown up a lot since I started this account, and I have new interests.
I probably should have said this a while ago, but honestly I just never wanted to. For a while I had a couple of alarms set on my phone reminding me to check this account out of a sense of guilt-driven obligation, but after a couple of weeks they were both placed at bad times and annoying to me, and I realized that if I'm only checking them because I feel I need to, then there's no point in even being on the account.
That's all. Good bye, everyone! I had a lot of fun on this account and it's sad that I'm writing this, even though I'd already decided I was leaving. I love you all <3