
Why are so many people suddenly reading my oneshots goddamn. Thanks lmao I barely come on Wattpad anymore but it was nice seeing a bunch of people adding the book to reading lists/votes


I know I’ve now got like 100 fics in my drafts but my love for Alola and Haudion is taking over,,
          So since Bedehop and Haudion are VERY similar ships (and I love them both) why not write a fic with both of them?? It’ll be tough because it’s been so long since I’ve played Sun/Moon and I’ve never written about Hau or Gladion before but I’ll face the challenge
          (Famous last words tbh)


Ok but genuine question what even happened to Bede’s parents?? Like, I know he’s an orphan and his league card says that they ran into trouble but did they die?? Could they just not afford to care for Bede anymore?? Did they get arrested or something?? I need answers